Groundnut Farming, benefits of Peanuts, and Peanut butter

Groundnuts, or peanuts are healthy nuts, unlike tree nuts, which grow underground. This is a famous legume, used in most health products Worldwide. Groundnut’s scientific name is Arachis hypogaea. It is widely used in food products and has been a popular food staple worldwide.


It has numerous health and nutritional benefits. These small nuts are known by various names like Groundnuts in Hindi called Mungfali, or also called earthnuts. Many people like roasted peanuts because it’s healthy and has high fats. It highlights the unique growth of underground fruiting.

But, it’s also a key ingredient in many health products like groundnut oil, and peanut butter.

In this blog, we’ll discuss Groundnut, and its farming, health benefits, peanut products, and other uses as well.

The Tale of Peanut 

Peanuts are healthy and nutritional foods called by different names in various places. Its scientific name is Arachis hypogaea, which highlights the unparalleled growth habit of fruiting underground. This legume is a key player in the culinary world, for its renowned versatile and nutritional profile.

Groundnut farming

Groundnuts are annual legumes that produce edible seeds commonly called Peanuts. It has high calorie and protein content. Farming groundnuts is beneficial for farmers as it has good markets. It is also used for the preparation of livestock feed.

  • Soil: Groundnuts grow well in sandy loam or loamy soils. The plant only grows in soil, where it has enough air and water holding capacity.
  • Climate and Temperature: Groundnuts grow in tropical climates with temperatures between 20°C and 30°C.
  • Crop Rotation: Farmers use crop rotation methods to prevent soil-borne diseases.
  • Sowing groundnuts: The sowing of groundnuts begins after the rainy seasons. Peanuts are Kharif crops, which are planted during the rain-fed season.
  • Seed selection: For Groundnut farming, the selection of seeds is important. Selecting the appropriate, high-quality seeds will yield favorable outcomes.
  • Seed treatment: This is an important step to soak seeds in a fungicide solution. This prevents seed-borne diseases.
  • Row spacing: Creating rows about 30- 45 cm apart will allow adequate spacing for the plant growth.
  • Planting depth: Plant seeds at a depth of 3-5 cm to ensure that seed germination occurs consistently.
  • Seed placement: Placement of Seeds is important, Place the seeds about 10- 15 cm apart within the rows.
  • Seed covering: This is an important step, covering the seeds with soil, and firming them with the soil.
  • Fertilizers: Groundnut plants need elements like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium for their growth stage. Moderate use of fertilizer will give good results. NPK fertilizers are often recommended for groundnut growth.
  • Water requirement: Groundnuts need moisture for their growth stages. Enough water is crucial for the development of its pods and seeds. Use a controlled irrigation system to keep the soil adequately moist. Especially during important stages like flowering and pod formation. Farmers should avoid excessive watering which will lead to fungal diseases.
  • Pest and Disease Control: Groundnut plants can be vulnerable to various common diseases. This includes early leaf spot, late leaf spot, rust, and root-knot nematodes.
  • Early Leaf Spot: It has been caused by a fungus, which causes major leaf damage and falling off leaves from the plants.
  • Late Leaf Spot: This is also a fungal infection, it mainly affects the mature leaves.  
  • Rust: This affects the leaves and stems. Rust is caused by the fungus called Puccinia Arachidis.
  • Root Knot Nematodes: These microscopic worms can damage the root system, affecting plant health.
  • Pest Control: Common pests that can threaten your groundnut crop include Aphids, Thrips, White grubs, and Thermites.
  • Plant Protection: To Protect plants from different diseases, farmers can opt for these methods:
  • Crop Rotation: This method helps to break the disease and pest cycle in the plants.
  • Resistant Varieties: Farmers should plant only disease-resistant varieties.
  • Pesticides and fungicides: Use when it’s necessary.
  • Weed Control: Experts recommended maintaining weed-free rows while planting. This will avoid plant competition for nutrients and water distribution.
  • Integrated Pesticides Management: Implementing this method gives good results and introduces beneficial pests for the plants. This will allow us to monitor the pest population.
  • Harvest: Groundnut harvesting starts from 100 to 140 days after planting. It depends upon the climate and various growing conditions. The pods of peanuts are ready to harvest when the peanut leaves turn yellow and the peanut shell rattles. To harvest the peanuts, dig the soil with sharp, pointed tools.
  • Yield: The average market price for groundnuts per quintal is Rs. 6484, as of November 2023. Around 10 to 15 quintals of yield per acre are harvested in every season. The total return will be around 64840 to 97,260 rupees.  

Cost Of Production Per Hectare

Cost of ProductionRupees Per Hectare
Operational Cost 62800
Animal Labour Cost 500
Machine Labour 9000
Irrigation Charges2300
Other Charges1000
Fixed Cost20000
Total Cost82300
Yield(qt/ha) Main Product 13.50
Source: Directorate Of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. (Link)

Peanuts nutritional powerhouse

Peanuts are a tasty, nutritious, and healthy option. Ground nuts are an excellent source of peanut protein. It is a rich source of Proteins and trans fat. Eating peanuts will improve the calories in your body.

It helps to lose weight and eating this makes people more physically active. Peanuts are a great healthy food that prevents heart disease. The usage of peanuts will improve weight management.

It helps to improve overall health because it contains vitamin b6. The study suggests that most adult people like to have dry roast peanuts as it makes the stomach feel full.

Let’s get into the details of how many nutritional elements are provided by these small nuts.

  • Proteins: Peanuts are an excellent source of Protein. Peanuts are a great addition to the vegan food diet.
  • Fats: Peanuts also contain healthy fats, which are unsaturated and poly-unsaturated. These are also called Oleic acid. This is also good for heart health.
  • Fiber: Peanuts are a good source of dietary fiber as well. This aids in digestion and promotes fullness in the stomach.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Peanuts contain healthy vitamins and minerals. Essential vitamins like Vitamin E, magnesium, and Phosphorus.
  • Anti-oxidants: Groundnuts are rich in antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative damage.
  • Essential nutrients: Peanuts have resveratrol, a substance also found in red wine. It offers various health benefits to the body.

Health Benefits of Groundnut

Peanuts contain healthy fats, along with saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. The total amount of carbohydrates which makes it around 15%, offers an ideal source of protein. Groundnut benefits are vast, for example, 100 grams of peanut butter contains almost 588 calories. Peanut butter calories are good for health.

Peanuts contain natural plant compounds known as phytonutrients. This contributes to the smooth functioning of the body. These are good sources of protein, aiding muscle growth and bone health.

  • Heart health: The healthy fats in peanuts can help lower the bad cholesterol level in the body, which reduces the risk of heart failure.
  • Weight loss: Including peanuts in your diet will help to reduce weight loss. This also provides high satiety value.
  • Diabetic patients: Groundnuts have less sugar content. This is a safe option for diabetic patients. The rich sources of nutrients are healthy and tasty at the same time. These are diabetic-friendly foods.
  • Groundnuts in Daily Diet: In Indian cuisine, people often use peanuts to prepare dishes. This can also be used for garnishing purposes.
  • Peanut chikki: This is a popular sweet dish prepared using peanuts and jaggery.
  • Groundnut Masala: This is a spicy peanut snack mixture, made with several spice seasonings in it.
  • Peanut chutney: This is a common food item prepared in Indian households. This is South Indian cuisine, made from roasted peanuts, chilies, and spices together.
  • Peanut Butter: People who are conscious about health are aware of peanut butter’s benefits. It has enough calories and proteins which helps to gain weight. Peanut butter also contains Peanut butter proteins. This is a great addition to your daily diet. In India, peanut butter prices range from 150 to 300 rupees for the quality of products.
  • Groundnut oil & Groundnut Oil Price: Groundnut oil, also known as peanut oil, is a cooking oil derived from peanuts. It has a mild flavor and a high smoking point. This makes it a favorite choice for fitness enthusiasts.
  • Gulab Groundnut oil: Gulab groundnut oil is a famous cooking oil, mostly used in Indian households. It has a neutral flavor and a high smoking point. Using this oil in your food enhances its flavor and deliciousness.
  • Peanut Allergy: This allergy might cause a life-threatening reaction in some people.


The nutritional benefits of groundnuts and their versatile uses of peanuts make them a remarkable food supplement. This is a wonderful legume that offers a variety of benefits. This has something wonderful to offer for everyone, like peanut calories, eating peanut butter improves body weight.

This small but healthy nut possesses sources of vitamins, and it also has a good shelf life.

Hope you have experienced joy in reading the peanut (mungfali) blog from Zetta Farms!

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What’s the difference between peanut and groundnut?

Ans: Peanuts and groundnut seeds are two distinct names referring to the same crop.

2. What are the health benefits associated with peanuts?

Ans: Peanuts offer several health benefits, which provide plant-based protein, and improve muscle and tissue repair. Healthy fats, which are heart-healthy, help to lower bad cholesterol.